I used Tellspecopedia from Tellspec, today to confirm some information I saw posted by @TheFoodBabe. I almost felt “at one” with her arch nemesis, @FoodBabeExposed, who is a mad scientist of sorts.
I do like eating healthy, most of the time. But I at least acknowledge when I am eating bad stuff. The thing that really bugs me is these “health food mavens” who pass along misleading information in the name of helping people to eat healthy and avoid ugly food ingredients. In comes Tellspecopedia for some realistic information.
Let us look at the Starbucks Molten Chocolate Frappuccino, as “exposed” by the #FoodBabeArmy.
We will start with the first item in the post – Carrageenan. @TheFoodBabe tells us it causes gastrointestinal disorders, and inflammation of the intestines. It is actually an all natural extract of red seaweed. In doses that the normal person might get, it shown to be safe to consume by most regulatory and research organizations. You can read more about it, with balanced information, at this link.
She then goes on to say this drink has “Monsanto milk” from cows fed GMO grains. The real issue was Starbucks was purchasing milk treated with the rBGH growth hormone made by Monsanto. She is about 8 years to late in calling for that, as Starbucks switched to hormone free milk in 2008.
I will give her the refined sugar argument. The carbohydrates in the drink equal 20 Hershey Kisses. It is slightly less than that 16 oz Coke you likely are drinking while you read this blog, or roughly 5 cups of coffee, if you use 2 teaspoons of sugar in your coffee.
Vanillin may or may not be artificial. Artificial vanillin may be made from wood chips, a sustainable product (and keep in mind real vanilla is a wood product as well), or it can be fully synthetic. Or it could be extracted directly from vanilla. There is no proof of which Starbucks actually uses.
The Artificial and Natural Flavor statement is pure pie in the sky blather – she has no clue what is in those ingredients. They could be totally organic, or monster chemical breeds made from natural material, or from chemicals. Only the chemists know for sure.
Mono and di-glycerides are simply fats with 1 or 2 fatty acids, instead of 3. They are naturally occurring, and are found in most “fat-free” foods.
Do yourself a favor. Look up the information for foods for yourself, in Tellspecopedia, by Tellspec.